Using hypnosis for anxiety isn’t a new concept however hypnosis itself is often given a questionable rap. The majority of peoples experience with hypnosis actually stops at having seen it in a movie or television show, where it’s effects are often exaggerated.
In the real world however, and in the instance of using hypnosis for anxiety, it’s not going to miraculously cure you of your ailment. It will however see you one step further in the right direction. And the more you practice self hypnosis for anxiety, the better the results should be. Hypnosis for fear can also be effective.
Has any of the following happened to you?
- You’re given a stack of papers an hour before you knock off work and told you MUST go through them before you leave
- Your partner won’t answer their phone and it’s urgent that you speak with them – like, yesterday
- Your mother or father sends you a message that you don’t visit enough that has ‘guilt trip’ written all over it
- Your landlord is suddenly unreachable after you’ve let them know -something- has broken in your apartment
- You receive your credit card bill for the month and realise you don’t have enough money to pay an important bill
Whatever the stressor may be, and the above are just a few examples, it usually only takes one thing, big or small, that’ll see your heart racing and panic rising in an instant.
Take a breath – and give hypnosis for anxiety a try!
Self Hypnosis for Anxiety: How it Works
Go somewhere you can relax. My bedroom is my sanctuary but you could also choose to sit on the sofa or even outside. Or if you’re at work, the bathroom will do in a pinch! The most important things are that you’re somewhere you feel comfortable, it’s relatively quiet and it’s also somewhere you’re unlikely to be disturbed.
Close your eyes and concentrate on your body, how it feels sitting wherever you may be and your breathing.
Taking control of a stressful situation starts with you and your mind or ‘subconscious’. Hypnosis for anxiety is primarily about bridging the gap between your fight or flight response and your mind, allowing you to react more logically to situations that invoke anxiety and stress, which makes using hypnosis to treat anxiety a very real prospect.
Put simply, hypnosis allows you to talk to your inner self. And it’s not as crazy as it sounds. Or difficult.
Give my free hypnosis for anxiety 7 steps a go!
Hypnosis for Anxiety in 7 Easy Steps
- As mentioned above, the first step is to find somewhere you can relax and not be disturbed. Optionally, and if your space permits, like a candle or incense. Did you know that certain scents can help in calming anxiety? They’re sure to boost your hypnotherapy efforts! See our article on the best essential oils for anxiety.
- Surround yourself with soothing sounds or relaxing music. It could be of running water, the crashing of waves, forest sounds – whatever you like.
- Find a comfortable position and close your eyes. Focus on what it feels like when you let your limbs relax.
- Tell yourself the following, out loud if you find it easier.
I am at ease with myself.
All my worries and anxieties are gone.(Repeat as desired, concentrating on your breathing as you do so.)
- Visualize how you want your life to be. Picture every detail, every situation that you’d like to happen. Imagine it as if it is really happening.
- Tell yourself the following, again, out loud if you find it easier.
There is nothing that I can’t handle.
I am strong. I am resilient. I am capable.(Repeat as desired, or even fill in your own words of affirmation should there be others you connect with more.)
- Visualise a bright light emanating from within, starting in your chest. It feels warm and comforting as it spreads to your arms, hands, legs and feet. It continues to spread until your entire body is enveloped. You’re left feeling at peace and in control.. and it’s time to wake up!
The Results of Hypnosis and Anxiety Disorders
How do you feel? This quick self hypnosis for anxiety relief is designed to clear your thoughts and leave you feeling refreshed. And you can repeat it as regularly as needed.
Not quite your cup of tea? Feel free to do things differently! There aren’t any hard or fast rules for hypnosis. It’s about the actions, visuals and words that you connect with. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.
Is hypnotherapy effective for anxiety? Share your experiences below!
Please note: I am not a certified hypnotherapist and all content about hypnosis for anxiety is solely based on my own experiences.