Have you ever considered the Chinese art of acupuncture for anxiety relief? Honestly, before today I wouldn’t have given it a second thought, but being the skeptic that I am, I’ve done some research and have discovered that there are actually many benefits acupuncture for anxiety and depression has to offer.
It’s common knowledge that massages work wonders when it comes to easing the stress and anxiety of modern living in that they’re relaxing and allow your body to rejuvenate. Alternatively, Chinese acupuncture is proving to be just as beneficial, if not even more so, and is widely increasing in popularity as a natural anxiety disorder treatment option. Cue acupuncture for anxiety!
(This article is the result of my research into the subject, but please note that I am not an acupuncturist by profession, nor a healthcare provider, and what you read about using acupuncture for anxiety relief here should be considered informational only.)
Acupuncture for Anxiety: A Natural Anxiety Disorder Treatment
Why should we add the additional worry of possible side effects from pharmaceuticals when it comes to managing anxiety? Acupuncture can be just as effective, and without the side effects commonly linked to anti anxiety medications. So, how does acupuncture provide relief to a person suffering from anxiety? To be fair, the thought of having needles stuck into my body isn’t exactly the most relaxing of thoughts, as I’m sure you might agree! Well, the philosophy behind Chinese medicine acupuncture treatments is that the needles are placed in specific acupuncture points (these points can be found on a acupuncture points chart if you’re curious) in such a way as to restore the balance of energy in your physical and mental being. Considering the hectic ways of modern living, it is not unusual to become imbalanced, and as a result, our anxiety levels can soar. When this is the case, the needles are placed specifically in the acupuncture points for anxiety.
Benefits of Acupuncture for Anxiety Disorder Treatment
To further elaborate, focusing on acupuncture anxiety treatments, an acupuncturist uses very thin needles to stimulate the nerves and improve circulation around the body. Improved blood circulation then enables organs to perform their functions more efficiently, and in turn, assist the body in eliminating wastes and expelling toxins. This benefits anxiety sufferers greatly as it is found that it is these toxins that often cause imbalances in the mind and body in the first place. They are also ultimately responsible for many of the symptoms of anxiety.
Does acupuncture hurt? Well, in two words – not usually – though I am in no means somebody that can give a definitive answer to this question. The needles that acupuncturists use are actually very very thin and it is said that you hardly feel anything at all. Others claim however that they felt a slight tingling feeling in the places where the needles were placed. Such a tingling sensation is apparently just a sign that the acupuncture process is working, and is not necessarily a painful experience. Plus, compared to using medication, there are very few acupuncture side effects.
Can Acupuncture Help Anxiety?
Acupuncture for anxiety relief is an alternative and completely natural anxiety disorder treatment option for people suffering from the symptoms of anxiety. In everyday practice it is known to relieve stress and enables the body to rejuvenate itself more efficiently, resulting in a healthier body and a healthier mind. Considering that anxiety is a mental condition, my conclusion is that yes, acupuncture for anxiety relief is a viable specific as well as generalized anxiety disorder treatment and is worth looking into further if a natural approach to combatting anxiety appeals to you.